Fairy Garden Party
April 13 @ 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Sunday, April 13th from 11am to 1pm
All you need is faith, trust, and a little bit of pixie dust! Join us for a Fairy Garden Party at Cairnwood. Your child will create an enchanted garden on the terrace, fashion a pixie wand, and sit down for a favorite fairy story in the library. Flutter around the Estate while exploring our Woodland Fairy Quest in the fountain garden and enjoy sparkling pixie-punch and bite size sweet nibbles.
- $25 per child (ages 3-12 years)
- Children must be accompanied by an adult (chaperone free of charge)
- 25% off for Cairnwood Estate members *present valid ID
- Doors open at 11 AM and close at 1 PM ~ complete at your own pace
- Duration: please allow 60 minutes
- Limited availability ~ Reservations Required
Please wear your favorite wings and fairy attire!
Fundraising and outreach activities proudly hosted by Cairn Club, Inc.